Every Person Has A Story

We bring the stories of your community to life with our data.

Gain historical and real-time insights for strategic decision-making with segmented data dashboards. Discover demographic, social determinants of health (SDoH) and geographic trends. Data is updated weekly.

Explore Our Data


Get data on Marylanders who contacted 211 in a specific county or ZIP code, and how the calls varied over time.


Explore the demographics of 211 contacts, including demographic differences among homeless and disabled clients. 


Explore health and human services needs and how they've changed over time. Also, discover unmet needs.

Food SDoH

Identify hunger in Maryland and available food resources.

Economic SDoH

Explore economic security, financial assistance requests and resources available to those in need. 

Housing SDoH

Explore housing insecurity in Maryland.


Uncover COVID-19 related needs in your community, including details on the type of assistance needed.

Customized Data Dashboards

Need a customized data package or a subscription dashboard with additional information? Gain additional metrics like the agencies receiving the most Maryland Information Network referrals and more. Plus, we'll integrate our data into your organization's dashboards to uncover even more impactful insights.

Fill out the form for a customized data dashboard, or if you have a general data question.

Data Dashboard